Brush Solutions
Design and Creation


Brush Safety Recommendations

Safety Information

Many brush manufacturers feature some safety warnings, recommendations, and usage restrictions directly marked on the product.Therefore, the operator must read and follow all instructions supplied in or on the product container, as well as any marked on the product itself. The operator should also refer to the safety and operating information printed in the brush or power tool manufacturer's catalog, instruction manual and other literature.

Warning:In normal power-brushing operations, the material being removed, such as burrs, scale, dirt, weld slag or other residue, will fly off the brush with considerable force along with brush filaments which break off due to fatigue. To protect against this hazard before rotating the brush, during rotation and until rotation stops, operators and others in the area must wear SAFETY GOGGLES or FULL FACE SHIELDS WORN OVER SAFETY GLASSES WITH SIDE SHIELDS and use PROTECTIVE CLOTHING and EQUIPMENT.

Self-Sharpening:When using wire wheel brushes, periodically reverse the direction of rotation to take advantage of the self-sharpening action that will result. This can be achieved by removing the brush from the spindle and turning it side-for-side and remounting securely. 

Inspection::Upon receipt, inspect brushes for damage, rust and deterioration. 

Storage:Store brushes in original containers in a clean, dry location. Do not allow distortion of brush filaments/components or foreign matter to become lodged in the brush face.

Dust and Fumes:Fumes:Dust is present during the use and polishing of the brush. It is recommended to wear respiratory protection to prevent such dust from being sucked into the body.

Brushing Problems:Occasionally, due to worn bearings, a bent spindle, an unusual application, operator abuse or inappropriate use, a brush may fail. Do not continue to use a failed brush or one which is functioning improperly (i.e., throwing filaments, out of balance, etc.), as this increases the potential for further brush failure and hazard of injury. The cause of the failure should be evaluated and corrected immediately.

WARNING:Failure to observe safety rules may result in injury.



Power Brush Safety Requirements

Before Starting Brush:Use eye protection and safety equipment. Inspect brush for rust or damage, and familiarize yourself with the speed limit and other safety information related to the particular brush. If the no-load speed marked on the power tool is higher than the brush speed limit, do not mount brush. Inspect and jog the machine to assure that the brush is mounted properly and securely, the machine guards are in place, there is no vibration, etc. Run machine at operating speed for at least one minute before applying work-DO NOT STAND IN FRONT OF OR IN LINE WITH BRUSH.